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To Manfred

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To Manfred Empty To Manfred

Post by Dessy Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:13 pm

Hey Manfred, I just saw your message in the city chat.
I don’t mind covering for an occasional vacation or busy weekend, as long as players are willing to do the same for us, but 30+ days inactive is a very long time.
There’s only a few players that I’ve waited & covered almost a month for, as they had very high activity and always helped us cover for the lower levels (4K+ raid every week and invested a lot in the city to help keep the building boosts going for everyone).

30+ days I’m not covering and reserving a spot for anyone though, standard city removal is after 2 weeks low/inactivity to ensure the city remains highly active and doesn’t turn into a ghost town. If players start playing actively again later they’re always welcome to rejoin us again.

In your case… I’ve already made several exceptions to that in the past and covered for 2+ weeks low activity, you’ve hit “approaching city removal if activity doesn’t improve” several times:
You joined us in September 2017, and since then you’ve been below target on 12 out of the 36 raids.
After 10 months of playing, you’re still at lvl 36 and you’re not even covering 600points on 1/3rd of the raids + not a single city investment at all except for the Town Hall.

I don’t mind new players not being able cover 1600+ points on raids yet, or not investing a lot in the city when they’re still working on upgrading their shops to improve their income. But you’re ahead of most players now, 500 bp’s & your shop is at max with all crafting slots fully gem upgraded even...
…and we still have to cover on raids for you every week and keep the buildings running without you.

We’re a high activity city. I’ve already said to you several times before: if you’d like to be a part of an active city and want to stay here, please be active yourself. You said each time you'll be more active, but a few weeks later you have a lot of busy weeks again. It's not working, you have more busy weeks as the other 20+ players in the city combined… I've already made many exceptions for you in the past by leaving you in the city for so long.

I’m all for everyone playing the game their way, but if you’re happy being that casual, there are thousands of other cities out there with lower requirements that would fit your playstyle.

To Manfred 1manfr10

Posts : 272
Join date : 2017-12-06
Location : Dessiana

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Manfred Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:36 pm

Buenas tardes, le escribo para decirle que, aunque estoy de acuerdo en parte de sus afirmaciones, no lo estoy en otras. Yo entré con nivel 34, ahora tengo 36. Esto se debe a que no vendo en tienda sino en mercado para poder pagar las mejoras de mi tienda.

Por otra parte sí, en 12 raids no he alcanzado la cuota mínima pero si se fija la he superado con creces en otros fines de semana, lo que significa que una suple a la otra.

En Town Hall invierto para reducir el tiempo de construcción, y algunas contadas ocasiones en otros edificios pero, ¿Para qué voy a invertir si con que uno lo haga ya se activa la mejora para todos? ¿Qué sentido tiene?

Todo en mi tienda no está al MAX, me faltan estanterías, y eso lleva mucho tiempo, ¿No cree que si no tuviera nada que mejorar invertiría lo que gano en la ciudad? ¿Para qué querría el oro entonces?

En resumen: no quiero que se me trate con privilegios, me es indiferente reclamar o no los premios de las raids, sólo quiero permanecer dentro por los trabajadores y los héroes de las misiones. Tengo nivel 36 aun, lo que es 600 en raid, y como he dicho antes lo cumplo, si bien unas semanas no llego y en otras rebaso (ej. 13/05/2018 > 383 but 03/06/2018 is 1385).

¿Entonces qué tengo que hacer para permanecer dentro? ¿No puedo reengancharme ahora? Si lo desea no me de premios de raid, no cumplan solicitudes mías.

Un saludo.


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Join date : 2018-07-09

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Dessy Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:30 am

We’d like to complete the raid for full rewards every week, which means we’re looking for players that want the same thing,  and are willing to cover at least 40.000/25 players = 1600 points every week.
At any level, the game is based around everyone sending all their heroes 2-3 times a day if they want to unlock all the raid rewards with the city.
So our minimum raid requirements are based on that, expecting newer players to still have inefficient T1-T2 teams resulting in lower points, but also expecting them to be doing their best and spend the same amount of time playing as the rest of us are doing every week to keep our own fair share covered.
Players that are that active will naturally progress towards covering 1600+ themselves every week, usually within a few months. Sometimes even within weeks if they’re very active.

For every player that doesn’t collect 1600 points, someone else will have to cover the difference to get all the rewards unlocked for  the city.
I want to keep it fair for everyone, so I want to be sure every player in the city is active enough and willing to cover 1/25th of the points it takes to unlock all the city raid rewards every week.
That’s why we have weekly minimum raid requirements,  they are not an overall average score to aim for.

I never enjoy having to remove players from the city because they don’t play often enough anymore to be able to cover their 1600 points every week. I’ve  had to remove a lot of very nice people that I hope all found another good city. But if I hadn’t removed them, I’d be mayor of a city with 20 nice but very casual players…  and I don’t want to be in a casual low activity city myself where I’m going to be required to solo the raid if I want to finish it.

I’m a very active player, I’d like to be in a city that finishes the whole raid every week and where I don’t have to worry about buildings suddenly not being boosted just because I forgot to extend all the timers to 20+ hours myself once.
I am merely 1 of the 25 players in the city, it takes teamwork to keep everything boosted 24/7.  if I come online and buildings are already active, I’ll still use them and add time to them to ensure they’ll remain active for everyone else as well.
Players are not investing in the city because they have “useless” gold. Gold never becomes useless, it can always be converted to gems on the trade house, and gems can always be converted to gold. Many of us actually sold/sell  gems for gold to invest to progress very quickly.
The buildings are not just for city wide benefits, the personal benefits from investing are extremely important as well. No investments at all means you’re immensely slowing down your own progression: you’ve never bothered to invest in your own workers levels, heroes levels, and aren’t bothering with any kind of questing income, never boosted the speed of your raid teams even on weekends when you fell below minimum…  
And the last raid in which you logged on a few times you ended at 73points… you didn’t even bother to send all your heroes?!?

Everyone here is making an effort to cover their 1600 points, we’re all willing to do at least 6-10 full runs with all of our heroes every weekend to finish the raid.
We all have real lives and busy weekends as well, if the top 5 raiders all decide to have a busy weekend and only covered their minimum 1600 points, they can rest assured  the city will still finish the raid and they’ll still get their rewards.

If you aren’t interested in active raiding and don’t want to cover 1600+ points every week,  and don’t care if a city to finishes the entire raid every week, then we’re simply the wrong city to be in.
There are thousands of other cities out there with low or no enforced raid minimums. Maybe even some Spanish ones.

Posts : 272
Join date : 2017-12-06
Location : Dessiana

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Manfred Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:55 pm

Buenos días, no tenía ni idea de que el oro pudiera convertirse en gemas en la casa de comercio y viceversa. Sé que se puede aumentar la velocidad de viaje de los héroes pero luego necesitan recuperarse y suelen tardar media hora o más.

Desconozco mucho del juego ya que, aunque entro diariamente soy un "casual", no conozco porcentajes de crafteo u otros datos que optimizan la producción de cada tienda. Si el problema está en las raid puedo hacer 1600 cada fin de semana, a costa de mucho oro claro.

Respecto a invertir en los edificios si me facilitaras una "guía" o lista de aquellos edificios en los que invertir y cuánto he de donar lo hago. Lo que no me gustaría es invertir en edificios que no van a usarse, porque no sé a los que hay que invertir oro.

Si está dispuesta a dejarme entrar sacrificaré mi oro en las raids para alcanzar los 1600. La ciudad me gusta no por sus bonuses o por las recompensas sino porque se toma en serio, tiene un buen foro y la gente es agradable.

Ahora mismo estoy en otra ciudad aunque no sé cómo dejarla, si quiere darme una oportunidad se lo agradecería y sino pues al menos estaré en contacto con ustedes por aquí.

Un saludo, Alex.


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Join date : 2018-07-09

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Dessy Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:37 pm

Hey Manfred,

1 gem is currently worth around 10M gold (give or take a few million depending on conversion. Many players use magic chests to convert one currency to the other as it’s a pretty stable and fast selling item).

The city raid should always be very profitable to do. The value of all the standard rewards that every player receives for finishing the raid is around 450 gems = 4G+ gold (a bit below that for players in the 30’s), so that easily covers the costs of using the castle a few times to get to 1600.
And the need for heroes to recover in between quests is something you can eliminate with (low level) energetic skill items, which can be prevented from breaking with other skill items with support.
A few of us tried to explain it to you before, but it may have been a translation problem as none of us speak Spanish so we always talk about the names of items, skills and buildings in English.

I have a guide explaining the basic building benefits here on the forum, and a questing guide explaining skill items (and gem guide) as well that should become visible when you’re logged in here (all in the Tips & Guides section).

City building wise, I’d recommend investing in those that are most useful to you. They all give really nice extra benefits that only the person investing in them receives.
For example investing in a hero building yourself results in experience for your heroes, so you can buy levels for them:
Not only will they gain a lot of power for missions & arena (better bags), they will also be higher level costumers for your shop that will buy items like dragon fire potions for a higher price than what you can get for them on the trade house, which also results in high shopkeeper experience (unlocking new item order quests, gems for every level, you’ll be able to claim an extra 600M+ gold worth of raid rewards every week, etc. ) And they will also offer to sell high level items to you (My highest heroes offer me common lvl 50+ primal blueprint items sometimes, which I can sell for 100M-250M profit each on the trade house).

The idea of city investments is always that the gold you invest will help you advance quickly, allowing you to earn a lot more in the future. Investing 1-2G gold in the cathedral to level those heroes up to lvl 42, is also a quick way to gain access to an extra 1G+ gold to spend every week.

That’s just one building type, the others are all very useful as well, most of my income comes from investing in the inn, my investments in the worker buildings permanently improved my own crafting times and increased my chance to get high quality items crafting … and much more.
The city wide benefits can be very powerful and worth keeping active, but the main reason why you’ll want to start using the buildings is for the personal benefits. It’s thanks to those that some of us advanced so quickly compared to others.
I would recommend reading the guides I wrote, or maybe look for guides in Spanish as the items and skills may not translate well.
I’ll leave it up to you if you want to rejoin, I can invite you back to the city.

Posts : 272
Join date : 2017-12-06
Location : Dessiana

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Manfred Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:20 pm

Buenas noches, sí, el idioma es un problema además de que no sabía que el juego tuviera tanta estrategia. Leeré sus guías en cuanto pueda para, al menos, saber dónde invertir.

Por el momento mejor no entrar porque estoy aún de trabajo fuera de mi hogar, alrededor del 6-7 de Agosto volveré a casa y le aviso para la invitación.

Un saludo.


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Join date : 2018-07-09

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Dessy Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:38 am

Okay. and yes, lots of strategy involved, it makes everything a lot easier. I’d definitely recommend using the cathedral to get Fiora and Edward to lvl 42 as one of the first things, gives you an easy way to lots of extra gold for anything else you’d want in the future.
And if you’re currently in a city that doesn’t have the cathedral at max level yet, it will be a lot cheaper to level them up there.

Team building is very strategic and it will take some time to make efficient skill teams.
Arena is highly based on strategy as well, there are only a few combinations of heroes and skills that work well together that will get you towards the higher bags. But that’s very quick and easy to improve, you could just copy my arena team setup or anyone else’s that also high in arena rank in our city =)

Posts : 272
Join date : 2017-12-06
Location : Dessiana

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Manfred Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:51 pm

Hi again, now i can get into your guild if you invite me Very Happy


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Join date : 2018-07-09

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Dessy Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:11 am

Invite sent =)

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

Post by Dessy Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:38 pm


You asked for a reinvite promising you'd cover the 1600 points/week.
Yet I'm looking at 2 lower scores again =(

I've already explained why I will not make any exceptions to the raid point requirements (& offering to pass on extra raid rewards doesn't change anything).
You're the only one that can decide wether or not you're willing to put in the effort to cover at least 1600 points weekly... 2 weeks of raiding below it, we're once again at the point of city removal:
-Manfred below target again twice. I will be freeing up the spot next weekend if he's below target again.

Posts : 272
Join date : 2017-12-06
Location : Dessiana

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To Manfred Empty Re: To Manfred

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